Dylan Nunez and Maddie McCormick in The Secret Life of Amy Bensen. Photo: Passionflix
After a two-week wait, Passionistas were finally treated to the third episode of The Secret Life of Amy Bensen on Passionflix and as we hit the halfway point in the first season, the intensity just turned up.
Hopefully by now you’ve had a chance to check out The Secret Life of Amy Bensen on Passionflix. The new series is based on the bestselling book Escaping Reality by Lisa Renee Jones and stars Maddie McCormick as Amy Bensen and Casey King as the mysterious billionaire Liam Stone.
Unlike other Passionflix fare, The Secret Life of Amy Bensen distinguishes itself from the start as a romantic thriller. Amy is being pursued by an unknown threat and she’s forced to flee her previous life—and identity—once again. Now that she’s arrived in Denver she’s about to start her new life as Amy Bensen, but this time she has Liam watching over her, a new neighbor who is very friendly and a new acquaintance who seems desperate to be friends.
Let’s take a look at the 10 things I loved about The Secret Life of Amy Bensen episode 3:
- Liam continues to prove he cares: The mysterious package Amy finds on the table is a phone that Liam purchased for her. He admits it’s as much for her safety as it is for her to talk to him so he doesn’t have to go all day without hearing her voice. (Say it with me: “Awww.”)
- Meet Jared: Amy runs into her new neighbor Jared (Dylan Nunez) in the hallway. He seems nice enough, and ready and willing to give Amy a hand if she needs it. His Dallas shirt reminds her of her past, though, so Amy is wary of her new friend.
- Liam’s suit: Kudos to costume designer Candace Brown. Liam’s suit—and that blue shirt in particular—are *chef’s kiss* perfect.
- Amy is her own woman: Despite Liam’s knight in shining armor complex, she isn’t letting him boss her around…too much, anyway. She lets him know that she’s going to do things her own way.
- Meet Meg: Meg (Georgia Simmons) works for the property management company that manages Amy’s building and she’s the second friendly face that Amy meets in Denver. Meg seems very keen to know Amy but Amy isn’t sure she can be trusted. And why is she so insistent on getting Amy’s number?
- Amy’s determination to protect Liam: Amy has been running from danger for a long time and she knows that Liam is the kind of person who will stop at nothing to discover her secrets. She decides she has to break things off with him to protect him, no matter how much the decision is the opposite of what she wants to do.
- Liam’s determination to prove he’s a good guy: Ah, the Apple Store scene. Liam takes her to the store to prove that she’s the only one who has access to her phone, which also proves that she is in control. She keeps telling him she has to call things off, but he keeps pushing to show her that she can let him in.
- The music: Major props must be given to Angela Little for the music selections. From the very first moments of the episode to the opening credits to the times when Amy feels scared or threatened, the music sets the scene and adds to the intensity. When Amy is anxious, the music makes me feel her anxiety even more.
- Maddie McCormick’s performance: It’s not easy to bring realistic terror to life. Amy Bensen is a woman who has been through a whole lot in her 24 years and McCormick does a fabulous job capturing the terror that Amy must feel every time she meets a stranger—who might not be a stranger—or when the phone rings and she has no idea who might be calling. It’s not an easy task but McCormick has a way of expressing the sheer terror Amy feels without saying a word. It’s all in her eyes and it’s something to see.
- Casey King’s performance: King brings Liam to life effortlessly. Liam’s a complex character; he wants control in all things but he’s also self-aware enough to know that he can’t control Amy no matter how much he tries. King has found the perfect balance with Liam and it’s fun to see his expressions when Liam gets his little victories as he continues to show Amy she can trust him.
Needless to say, I’m very excited about the next episode of The Secret Life of Amy Bensen!