Jacob Anderson as Louis De Point Du Lac - Interview with the Vampire _ Season 1, Episode 3, Photo Credit: Alfonso Bresciani/AMC
October 2 can’t get here fast enough! Interview with the Vampire is destined to become the next big hit for AMC, ushering in an era of Anne Rice’s iconic vampires and, in 2023, witches.
Now that the review embargo has been lifted, you will find my full spoiler-free review over at What to Watch on Thursday morning and a more personal (also spoiler-free) review on the My Nights Are Booked Podcast right now.
You might be wondering what the episode titles are for the first few episodes of the season. Well, here you go:
Episode 101: “In Throes Of Increasing Wonder”
Almost 50 years have passed since Daniel Molloy first interviewed Louis de Pointe du Lac. Times, technology, and Molloy have all changed. Louis sends a letter asking Molloy to meet at a place of Louis’ choosing.
Written by: Rolin Jones
Directed by: Alan Taylor
Episode 102: “After The Phantoms Of Your Former Self”
Louis recounts his transition to becoming a vampire; his first kill, his reluctance to break ties with his family and his ultimate failure to enjoy the art of his new powers, much to the chagrin of Lestat.
Written by: Jonathan Ceniceroz & Dave Harris
Directed by: Alan Taylor
Episode 103: “Is My Very Nature That Of A Devil”
Tension begins to mount in all areas of Louis’ world: his romantic relationship, his human family and his business interests. A shocking act of violence leads to the most profound decision of his life.
Written by: Rolin Jones & Hannah Moscovitch
Directed by: Keith Powell
Episode 104: “The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood With All A Child’s Demanding”
In his penthouse, Louis gives Molloy access to Claudia’s diaries, which offer a fresh and contemporaneous account of the creation of the young fledgling vampire and how her Vampire guardians adjust to their new family of three.
Written by: Eleanor Burgess
Directed by: Keith Powell
Stay tuned for more Interview with the Vampire coverage when the season begins!